Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Positive Effects Chiropractic Has On Stress Levels..

In today's economy we are seeing an overall increase in peoples stress levels due to the job market, finances, and increased work loads due to layoffs. So how can Chiropractic help with your daily stress levels?? Simple, getting routine Chiropractic adjustments and muscle work such as Active Release Technique will help realign our joints and place them in the correct position thus reducing nerve (electrical/Chemical) interference to various organ systems and muscles. Implementing this Chiropracic treatment will not also reduce levels of stress on the body but improve your bodies performance such as performing sports or general exercise. So getting regular Chiropractic adjustments, daily exercise, proper diet, and supplementing vitamins will help you combat the ill effects stress can have on your life. If you are dealing with high levels of stress and anxiety, give us a call at Willow Bend Sports & Spine Center to schedule an appointment.

Dr. Jeff Eidsvig, D.C.,ART,TPI-CGFI

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Chronic Sinus Infections and Headaches treated with Chiropractic Treatment

Do you suffer from chronic sinus headaches and infections? Well there is a a simple and easy explanation to why you have reoccuring symptoms. The answer is your posture and neck position in correlation to the rest of your body. Your sinuses depend fully on gravity to drain properly. In todays society most of us display a head forward posture in comparison to our shoulders. Just look around and you will see plenty of people with this problem, it will amaze you... This is a result of increased activities which require our hands and arms in front of us such as computer work, reading, and driving for example. Without proper alignment of our neck and head, the proper drainage is interfered with and then causes congestion, headaches, and infection. So how do we correct this problem? The use of Chiropractic treatment, postural awareness, stretching (Active Release Technique), and strengthening will over time pull our shoulders and neck back into proper alignment and centering our sinuses with gravity. At Willow Bend Sports & Spine Center we assess the body as a whole and through the use of Active Release Technique, a Lite Cure Type IV or "Hot" Laser therapy, and conservative medications can resolve or significantly reduce your chronic sinus conditions. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment please contact us at 972-309-2021

Dr. Jeff Eidsvig, D.C.,ART,TPI-CGFI

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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What is Lower Crossed Syndrome??

Today a majority of people in the workforce are dealing with chronic low back pain, and have seen numerous physicians regarding the issue with no resolution of pain. A highly missed diagnosis for low back pain is Lower Crossed Syndrome. A Dr. Vladamir Janda, a physician in the Czech Republic first documented a distict pattern of muscle imbalances due to prolonged static postures, such as sitting at a desk all day. When you sit in a chair for eight hours a day, in time, your hip flexors will become shortened or tight. Your brain will automatically start to shut down or inhibit your glute muscles (butt) which are on the opposite side. Since your glute muscles are not working properly your body will recruit synergistic muscles such as the hamstrings and lower back muscles to assist the glutes in performing hip extension. In other words, your start to recruit muscles that were not intended to be used for specific actions such as walking, running, or any type of strenous activity. Common side effects of Lower Crossed Syndrome are excessive arching or rounding of your lower back , a weak stomach area or core, and a flat gluteal region due to weakness. This combination is very common and causes a good majority of low back pain. Active Release Technique performed at Willow Bend Sports & Spine Center is the gold standard for correcting this common problem, as well as strenghening certain muscles either through Physical Therapy or at your local gym. If you have any questions regarding this condition please contact us at 972-309-2021 to schedule an appointment.

Dr. Jeff Eidsvig, ART,TPI-CGFI

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